Monday, September 30, 2019

Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits Essay

Parenting techniques and beliefs are essential to the growth of any child. Parents instill habits, behaviors, and moral sense in to their children at an early age. Children benefit when parents engage themselves in to their child’s life. In saying that, parents also have to learn to adapt to what their child needs and teach them to assert themselves and become independent. Habits children pick up are usually either picked up from their parents or tolerated by their parents. It is the parent’s responsibility to assess what is right for their child and correct any bad habits they may learn along the way. Socioeconomic status is a huge factor in how a topic of parenting techniques can be studied. Any subject pertaining to parenting style and their influences can be linked to their social class. I will focus most of my discussion on the effects of overall parenting techniques and how socioeconomic factors and be linked to those techniques. Keywords: parenting styles, socioeconomic status, children Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits. Parenting techniques are a very important factor in the development of children. Children learn from an early age their moral senses, the behaviors and habits that are acceptable, and they develop an understanding on what role their actions can play in their life. Parenting along with socioeconomic status and culture are great determining factors in understanding how a child has learned from their parents and what to expect from that particular child. Parents evolve their parenting techniques as they learn how their child naturally behaves and as the child learns from what the parents have instilled. In the study conducted by Rubin, Nelson, Hastings, and Asendorpf (1999), the primary purpose was to investigate the relations between a child’s social inhibitions and the parent’s beliefs on how to best socialize their child. The study determined that both the mother and father tend to follow their child’s dispositional cues on how they should be socialized. The parents would adapt to how the child reacted in a social situation. For example, if the child exhibited shyness, they would alter how they went about socializing. In this study, I agree that parents do evolve with their children and with an agreed upon authoritative style of parenting, both the father and mother would act accordingly to what the study found. The study was a longitudinal study but only followed up once after the initial results; I believe the study would have been more effective had it been followed up until at the least early childhood. In terms of diversity, I feel this study could have been greatly improved upon. Differences may or may not occur between different cultures and races, but the researchers chose not to delve into any demographic exploration on the topic. The socioeconomic status of the parents could also have an effect on how they were able to socialize their child. If the family was from the working-class, they may not have time to socialize their children as effectively. Many factors could have made this study more effective in determining the socialization of the child and the parents’ influences. Children also take after their parents behaviors. Eating habits in children may be partly due to genetic dispositions but are greatly impacted by their environment and the behaviors they are being taught. Birch and Fisher’s (1998) main concern in their study was that childhood obesity was not just simply linked to genetic factors but also environmental factors. The risk of a child becoming obese with two obese parents is very high, opposed to having non-obese parents. This is due to the child following the bad eating habits of the parents. Genes and environment are highly correlated because they are both typically provided by parents. Obese parents would need to acknowledge that there might be an issue and act on it accordingly and instill good eating habits to their children. The researchers of this study also chose not to cover any demographic characteristics such as age or socioeconomic factors. A longitudinal study exhibiting ages when a child learns eating habits and gaining weight would improve the study. Socioeconomic status could also play a large role in what the child had available to eat. In many studies, it is said that many lower or working class families struggle with obesity due to the lack of funds to get healthier foods. Social status would also explain if the parents were not there to monitor what the child was eating. This would affect a lot of qualities in the study had it been chosen to be covered. Differences between race and social classes have been studied for many decades. In an article by Bodovski (2010), she stated that Lareau (2003) examined how socioeconomic status and race backgrounds influenced how parents raised their children and how the children benefited academically. The social class in which a family is raised shapes their values, behavior, and explains what they have available as resources. Middle-class and upper-middle-class families actively reinforce their involvement in their child’s learning and socialization. This social class has a wide array of opportunities to expose their children to including sports, art, dance, and many other extracurricular activities. Middle-class families also encourage their children to stand up for themselves through example and therefore the children learn cultural codes and behaviors that facilitate their achievement (Lareau, 2003). Lower-class and working-class families feel their primary responsibility to their children is taking care of their needs, such as housing, food, and clothing (Bodovski, 2010). These children usually socialize with other family members and their nearby community rather than participate in extracurricular activities. Typically, working-class families experience more hesitancies in asserting themselves and their children also learn these behaviors. Lareau (2003) did not find significant racial differences in parenting styles once social class differences between families were taken into consideration (Bodovski, 2010). This study was very well diversified. It focused predominately on socioeconomic status which is a large factor in how well a parent will have accessibility to resources for their children and it also explains how much time the children are around their parents. The study also features race and explained that there were no significant differences. Late-elementary school children were studied along with their parents, which I believe is a good age range to focus on for an effective study. These articles are just a few facets on how parents influence and teach their children. Overall, when looking at parenting techniques, it is always important to look at socioeconomic status and how the parents can adapt to their children’s needs.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family meals Essay

The article present the issue of meals from a good perspective: it identifies that some families eat together and others do not. It states from researches that studies carried out on families that eat together on the same table are more likely to produce positive health results than others who do not: such positive health factors are enumerated in each paragraph. It states that such family meals make it easier to control diet, amount and quality. It promotes communication about nutrition; it helps to regulate the type of food consumed. Besides it is a good forum for socialization among the family members, and even visitors.   It provides the ‘opportunity to eat better’ and also the ‘chance to connect’. The latter helps to understand each other better, find about current issues in the lives of members, and even teaches the children cooking and eating etiquettes.   It concludes with a profound statement:   â€Å"Family meals aren’t just about food, they’re about family.† I am particularly interested in the type of meal that can earn the tag ‘family meal’. And really, it is worth remembering that meals can also be a time to get together with family members. For parents that do not have time for their children, this may not possible but for others who have such opportunity, I strongly believe it is a very good idea: it creates a forum for me to learn how to cook, how to serve and how to eat especially when it involves others. If I have anything bothering my mind, I can share it there. If I also notice something about my siblings, friends, visitors, other extended family members, I can bring it and the challenge/burden can be shared. It is also a good forum to celebrate any achievement. I like the idea of family meals because it helps to strengthen families and build loving homes. There is no doubt that if we can adopt this kind of idea all over the country, things would change, families are likely to become more stable and children will live in conducive happy homes. I think that the topic was presented in a good and lively way. It has information from researches and experts in the food. After going through the article, you’d have read through an unusual topic that makes a lot of sense. It starts with a description of meal times, connects to the advantages of family means and ends with the obstacle to achieving the concept. I am also concerned about this noble idea can be implemented in this kind of age, when everyone appears to be in a hurry chasing the wild wind. Is it really practicable in this jet age? Are there other means of achieving same socialization outside meals times? REFERENCE Family meals.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organizational Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Organizational Structure - Essay Example As mentioned in the case, Nissan Company is facing certain problems and due to these problems the productivity and efficiency is affected to a great extent. The company owner aims to make the company improve its operational efficiency and produce better results. Organizational structure as mentioned earlier is of three kinds centralized, decentralized and departmentalized structure (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991). These structures can be adopted in order to make a company powerful and successful one. Centralized structure is a structure with the help of which decisions can be taken as a whole. People will work together by sharing their thoughts, feelings, ideas and will generate better results. Whereas decentralized structure is a structure with the help of which problems can be resolved easily if there are any. And departmentalized structure is a structure with the help of which one can extend the department line in order to gain more profits in a particular market, geographic area etc. One of the well known companies, Nissan, when enters in its fiscal year 2009 tries to change its organizational structure as directed by its Chairman Carlos Tavares as mentioned in the case. ... The company should introduce new and innovative ideas in order to have a joy of everyday driving (Wickens, 1987). The company should also strategically consolidate its operations across other countries too in order to have a diverse economic zone. In addition to this, different operation committees should be established who should be responsible of making different decisions, the decisions should be performance based so that they can easily judge that what they should do in order to make their company perform better. One new and a different organizational design should be there in order to enhance the future growth of the company. Marketing, sales and the support system should be managed more locally because they are the one who are suppose to respond to the needs of the local markets. Similarly the supply chain management should work more logically and with different set of strategies in order to keep a check that whether the company is functioning properly or not. Various holistic approaches should be taken in order to do something different so that it will be very much easy for the company to compete with other companies. RECOMMENDATION 1 The company should adopt centralized structure. Centralized structure is a structure with the help of which all the decisions are made only at the level of the firm as a whole (Dalton et al., 1970). This structure will tend to increase the decision making level of the company too and with the help of this structure the company can generate better results. This organizational structure also allows the firm to avoid all the low performing activities and also to coordinate across its all divisions. Therefore, if there

Post-colonial liberation movement vs. Post-soviet resurgent Essay

Post-colonial liberation movement vs. Post-soviet resurgent nationalism - Essay Example Post-colonial liberation movement vs. Post-soviet resurgent nationalism Liberation movements have nevertheless seemed as struggles against impossible odds and are fought at an immense cost to everyone involved (Bill Ashcroft, 2006). The post second world war led to the rise of the developed west and the backward third world, where the problems of the population have often remained unattended to and are often accompanied with the coercive attitudes of the ruling governments. These are the initial seeds for armed struggle. On the other hand, the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990 was one of the most resounding events of the 20th century. Since then, the once assumed notion of fading nationalism has once again gained ground and has become one of the most powerful as well as an important decisive force towards nationalism. Nationalism has most often been based on ethnicity and can be witnessed most prominently in the former Soviet Satellite states apart from Russia and its neighbors. Nationalism and the new era politics based on ethnicity have gained momentum over the issue of rights for minorities, which are often victims of national politics. In this context, it is also interesting to compare this aspect with the western approach towards including minorities into the political equation, which could serve as useful models for nations that have recently emerged out of the Soviet grip.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Patriot Act Impact on Law Enforcement Research Paper

The Patriot Act Impact on Law Enforcement - Research Paper Example Law enforcement is an integral part of ensuring the security of the US public is restored. This is because they are responsible for enforcing the policies recommended to restore the security of the country after this attack. The correction system also plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of a country is maintained. The security of citizens of a country is high up on the priority list of any nation. This is not any different for the US. After the devastating attacks of September 11, the American government was made to realize that measures needed to be taken to make certain that a repeat of the attacks does not occur on American soil. In order to restore security and treasure that the American public of their security, President George W. Bush signed an act into law that would significantly influence the security policies of the country. The patriot act was created in order to ensure that the intelligence community and law enforcement agencies were empowered by law, to combat acts of terror rather than be held back by it. The act reduced the restrictions that affected the intelligence agencies while gathering information on terrorist threats against the US. The act also expanded the mandate of the secretary in the treasury department to have the authority to have power over the financial transac tions, mostly those that involved individuals from foreign nationalities, and entities in order to make it difficult for terrorism to be funded within US soil. The act also aimed to strengthen its border security and control immigration to prevent the percolation of terrorists into the country (Bailie, 2012). They empowered the immigration authority to detain entrants who were suspected of having any link to terrorism. The authorities were also allowed to deport the individuals who could pose a terrorist threat to the country. This provision will ensure that terrorist elements a rode from the American population ensuring their safety.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Corporate Governance in Russia Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Corporate Governance in Russia - Dissertation Example A total of 74 companies was analysed, 34 companies from LSE, 4 from NYSE and 36 listed on RTS. The sample size was calculated from a Web-based sample size calculator using the following parameters : (1) a margin of error of 7%; (2) a confidence level of 95%; (3) a population size of 5,580; and (4) response distribution of 10%. The population size of 5,580 is the total number of companies listed with the Russian Trading System (297), the New York Stock Exchange (2,317) and the London Stock Exchange (2,966). The minimum recommended sample was 70 but for contingency, this number was increased by 5%, hence the actual sample size used was 74. Companies which were listed with LSE and NYSE are categorised as class listed (CL). These are the companies are listed abroad, numbering 38. The non-class listed companies (NCL) are those companies that are listed only with RTS in Russia. The list of the companies and a screenshot of the output from the Web-based sample size calculator can be found i n the Appendix.... The test is repeated until all the outliers are deleted. Grubbs test works on the principle that with the outliers deleted, data tend to be normally distributed (Thompson and Lowthian, 2011). In this regard, use of Grubbs test requires prudence in estimating normality of the distribution in the dataset. Moreover, the test may not be applied for a small sample size of six or less since repeated iterations alter the chances of detecting outliers (Thompson and Lowthian, 2011). In the case of this research, CL and NCL data sets made the use of the Grubb’s test impossible, because it detected too many outliers, because CL firms tend to be large and well-established, also the specific environment in which firms operate would influence their board characteristics and availability of data. Considering the big information availability difference of the treatment and benchmark populations comparison between those independent samples can be problematic. Log base 10 Further, logarithm was applied on operating revenue and number of employees. The most common description of log or logarithm of a number represents the exponent by which a fixed number, called the base, has to be exponentiated to generate the fixed number (Bland, 2007). For the current research common logarithms (logs to base 10) are useful in a several ways. First of all, they simplify the data output for further calculations. Secondly, log transformation is applicable to data in where the residuals tend to assume bigger values as the values of the dependent variable increases. The danger in this type of scenario is that the error or change in the value of an outcome variable is a percentage and not an absolute value. Hence, similar percentage

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing paper on brand equity, brand positioning and brand strategy Essay

Marketing paper on brand equity, brand positioning and brand strategy on Victoria Secrets - Essay Example dentity helps the company to remain one of the top competitors on a global level while continuing to expand the product line and amount of revenue that is available on a yearly basis. Victoria’s Secret is one of five companies under the name of Limited Brands. The other stores that follow this include Bath and Body Works, Pink, La Senza and Henri Bendel. The initial store began in 1963 in Ohio as a specialty realtor focused on lingerie, personal care and beauty products that are specific to women’s needs. The founder of the company is Leslie W. Wexner, a Russian immigrant that began to build a portfolio of fashion soon after graduating from high school. He grew the company from the founding store of his parents to lead into a segmented corporation. The mission of Limited Brands is to offer the world’s best fashion brands by providing high quality materials. This is followed by Limited Brands offering customer experiences that are unmatched in the industry followed by a focus on loyalty from customers and growth from both potential customers and stakeholders. There are four core principles that follow this, including the focus on the customer, passion that leads to success from the excellence of products, inclusion of new and innovative products for success and the belief to be fair in all business dealings. There are over 2900 stores in the U.S. and Canada and over 40 La Senza stores that are located across the globe. There is an average of $8.6 billion revenue in 2009 and 90,000 employees that are in the US (Limited Brands, 2010). The brand equity that is defined by Victoria’s Secret begins with the firm level that has been created. In 2009, the net sales of this branch were at $1,388,000 with a sales change increase of 9%. The comparable store sales are at 6% with an average of 6,063,000 square feet for sales. The stability of the store continues to remain the same, with potential for growth not only within the US and Canada, but also on a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Issues in the Global Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Issues in the Global Economy - Essay Example India is one of the fastest growing economies and moreover, globalisation in the Indian market has led to new opportunities with more challenges and responsibilities. Since the inception in the year 1995, India joined WTO for governance of international trade with augmented opportunities with the member countries and to challenge policies of other developing countries. Advancement in science and technology in the field of transportation and communication in recent years due to globalisation in the economy with more liberalised policies and on-going requirements made the entire world market as a local market for India along with facilitating it to think beyond its territories and trade goods and services across the border. However, trade in services is far different from trade in goods, in terms of inherent nature of both. Services or the commercial services are categorised as invisible, intangible, transience and non-storable. Nonetheless, all such characteristics are not applied in all the services simultaneously. Commercial services are the set of services that the member countries of WTO or the business organisations provide for others commercial applications. For example, hotel service can be ensured to be attainable where the customer wishes to stay it could be beyond there geographical location. Commercial services mainly include transportation, travel and other commercial services such as communication, telecommunication, construction, financial, insurance, computer services, and other personal services.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

School Uniforms Essay Example for Free

School Uniforms Essay Many schools in the United Sates are at odds over school uniforms. In many cases, when uniforms are imposed students feel that their rights are being taken away (Kelly). That is the main argument against school uniforms. Although there is this disadvantage to school uniforms, there are many advantages. Along with making the students life easier, school uniforms would also provide for a more comfortable atmosphere and help students to focus mainly on their educations. In order to make uniforms acceptable, parents and teachers must work together to show the positive effects that uniforms could have on each students life. Many students feel that with uniforms they will not be recognized as individuals. Students often feel that their wardrobes define who they are as people. Even though school uniforms do take away a persons right to show his or her individuality through clothing, the advantages certainly outweigh the disadvantages in this case. Students would probably be more accepting of the idea of school uniforms if a more casual style of uniform were adopted than a formal traditional style (Kelly). One of the many advantages would be a more stress-free school week for students. For example, students are usually worried about what they will wear the next day. On average, a student usually spends anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour trying to find something to wear the next day. In this amount of time, the student could have spent thirty minutes studying or gone to bed that much earlier. In addition to saving time, there would be less of an acceptance problem between peers because name brands and styles would no longer matter. School uniforms would also provide for better student/teacher relationships. With uniforms, all students would be recognized as equals. Therefore, both teachers and students would get the respect they deserve. With uniforms, there would be less of a division between peers, and cliques would not be as obvious in the student body. With these things in mind, it is probable that discipline problems would drastically decrease (School Uniforms). As an  added advantage, teachers would be able to focus on the more important things than a students dress code violations (Kelly). Lastly, students would no longer focus on each others wardrobes. Most of the time, students worry about everyone but themselves. Oftentimes this results in the less fortunate or more outrageous students being ridiculed. All of this goes back to the student being accepted. As previously stated, all students would be recognized as equals. Students would be more likely to be judged on their accomplishments before anything else, especially style and appearance, could come into play. This would allow students to focus solely on their educations (School Uniforms). In conclusion, schools with uniforms seem to excel academically. The student bodys perspectives change considerably. They are no longer caught up in the material things; they are forced to concentrate on the matters that really matter. Students could attend school with a clear mind every day and focus on their educations and not each other. In the end, uniforms would be a helpful tool to all educational facilities. Works Cited Kelly, Melissa. Safety in Schools and Uniforms. School Uniforms. 03 Nov 2004. School Uniforms: Where they are and why they Work. 26 Feb 1996. Manual on School Uniforms. United States Government. 04 Nov 2004.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Childhood Memories and Adult Aspirations Essay Example for Free

Childhood Memories and Adult Aspirations Essay Back when I was younger I would spend countless hours playing in the sand box on warm, sunny days. Time was an irrelevant figure of which I knew or cared little about. The biggest problem I had to negotiate was how to construct the biggest and most complex sand castle possible. This type of scenario is something which is much more rare in the adult world. As an adult a person bares a great deal of responsibility and time means much more than in a childs world. Now that I am making the transition from simple childhood into the complex world of adulthood, I am reminded of the many things I will miss about being a kid. Though there are many things about childhood I will miss there are also many things about adult life that I greatly look forward to. One of the activities I will greatly miss about being a kid is going outside during the winter with my little brother and building a snow fortress. We would each take advantage of the snow piles which inevitably formed along the boarders of the driveway after each shoveling job. Therefore, almost immediately after there was a snowfall my brother and I would each build a fort and then proceed, after construction, to have snowball wars. Playing in the snow together brought us hours of fun and enjoyment. It is times like these where life is carefree and the only thing that matters is having fun. We always had a great time together during these moments. Another thing I will miss about being a kid is the recesses we were entitled to in elementary school. Every day class would seem to last an eternity as my friends and I would wait in anticipation of the recess bell. Collectively everyone would get together and decide upon a game which we could play. For example one day we would play soccer and the next day we would play Cops and Robbers. Each activity brought to us many laughs and hours of enjoyment. These periods of time provided us with a break from the day and I believe taught us a great deal about interacting with one another. Recess with all of my friends is something that I miss and will continue to miss for a long time. In the future and into adulthood I am looking forward to in adulthood is being able to have total independence. Independence is something great a person gets when he becomes an adult. Being able to make all of your own  decisions and having the privilege of being able to partake in activities which minors cannot is a great advantage to being an adult. I am looking forward to, for example, being able to go to the sports bar with my friends to watch hockey and football games. It is these privileges which appeal to me and make me exited to become an adult. Lastly being able to travel around the world with friends and family is something I also look forward to in adulthood. I hope to travel to many destinations with friends during and after university. Learning about different cultures, foods, ideas, ways of life, and histories is something I believe will be very enjoyable. Vacations, along with providing lots of relaxation and learning, also give people the chance to meet lots of new and different people. I believe that vacationing with friends provides lots of great experience and therefore posses as a great advantage to becoming an adult. The carefree hours of fun and games experienced as a child will always be something I fondly remember. Currently I accept the fact that those times are, for the most part, gone and am positively anticipating adulthood. The securities of childhood are great accept for the fact that they inevitably take away independence something most people need as they get older. In contrast, however, independence comes with the price of responsibility and therefore must be used wisely. I am greatly looking forward to adult life and will always fondly remember my childhood.