Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Revenge In Two Literary Works - 1593 Words

Revenge as a theme is cleverly built upon throughout Hamlet; with it being the driving force behind three of the key characters in the play. Revenge is a frighteningly vicious emotion, which causes people to act blindly and without reason. In Poe’s, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, Montresor enacts revenge for reasons unknown. Hamlet in contrast, has all the motive in the world to complete his task; yet he constantly hesitates. The text reveals that the need for revenge creates a stranglehold on the genuine emotions, thoughts, and actions of three characters: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Laertes; son of Polonius, and Fortinbras; Prince of Norway. This hold makes the characters act beyond their standard ethical positions and makes them helpless to†¦show more content†¦He is obstructed from his genuine rational moral view and if he were morally coherent, he would have seen that taking such drastic action removes himself from his genuine thoughts. In â€Å"The Caskà ¢â‚¬ , the perspective we are given on the story is limited; which allows for an open interpretation of what his true motives for revenge are. As Baraban states â€Å"Montresor elaborates a sophisticated philosophy of revenge: I must not only punish, but punish with impunity† (48) presenting the reader with a vibrant view of what he intends to do. The question one begs is, for what reason? Most readers would finish this story and assert that mentally, Montresor is insane. As Baraban states, â€Å"Poes intriguing silence about the nature of the insult that made Montresor murder Fortunato has given rise to explanations of Montresors deed through insanity. Richard M. Fletcher, for example, maintains that Montresors actions are irrational and that therefore he is mad.† (50) Montresor states at the opening of the story, â€Å"you,who so well know the nature of my soul†( are words likely said on his death bed to his confessor; being that he committed this deed fifty years prior, it would make sense that he is finally coming clean. Moreover, since he is commenting on the nature of his soul, it is plausible to assume that Montresor has been deemed crazyShow MoreRelatedRevenge Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare892 Words   |  4 PagesThe theme of Revenge has been utilized in numerous works of art throughout history, including books, plays, movies, etc. Revenge is the result of one’s desire for vengeance, however, revenge is known to be implied under high emotions of anger thus not with reason concluding with a horrible outcome. 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Poe’s main focus in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† is revenge, but if examined more closely, the irony that is present foreshadows the end result for Fortunato. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† the Montresor is planning to seek revenge on Fortunato for â€Å"the thousand injuries.† The revenge results in the live burial of Fortunato

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Evaluate the extent which Trans-Atlantic interactions from...

Before the 17th century, Africans were not seen as â€Å"black†, but as â€Å"pagan†. The subtle change to racism occurred in this century as Trans-Atlantic trade developed. In the time period from 1600 to 1763, labor systems in British America changed drastically in the West Indian islands and the Southern colonies because of Trans-Atlantic trade, but they stayed similar in the Middle and New England colonies to what they were before constant trade across the Atlantic was introduced. First, there is the change resulting from the South Atlantic System. This system was made up of slaves from Africa going to the West Indies owned by Great Britain, sugar being harvested from the West Indies going to England who sold it to other countries, who then†¦show more content†¦This resulted in a labor change similar to that in the West Indies. The work necessary to grow rice and export it to England was brutal, so slaves were constantly being imported from Africa to replac e those who had died. This continual supply of slaves resulted in a black majority in 1705 which grew until 80% of the population in rice-growing areas of South Carolina was made up of Africans. In the New England and Middle colonies very little change was seen in the way labor systems were used. Though these areas benefited immensely from the South Atlantic System, they were only a place where goods were transferred from the West Indian islands and the Southern colonies to England. Combined, indentured servants and slaves made up about 30 % of the workforce in New York City and Philadelphia up until the 1750s with very little fluctuation. Almost half of the population of major sea-ports such as Boston and Philadelphia were made up of artisan families. The children of these families learned their trades through an apprenticeship to an older relative and then passed on the skills they learned. Overall, changes to the labor systems in the English West Indies and the Southern colonies were brought about by an increase in slaves, while the New England and Middle colonies kept continuity in their labor systems by not needing an overwhelming number of slaves to work their smaller farms and artisan

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Generate Expressions Free Essays

Generate Expressions 1. If a coffee company purchases paper cups at a cost of x cents for a package of ten and lids at a cost of y cents per dozen, which of the following represents its material cost, in cents, of c cups of coffee? 2. If a car rental company charges $100 for each rental, a dollars per mile, and b dollars per hour, which of the following represents the total cost to rent a car for 6 hours and travel 250 miles? 100 + 250a + 6b 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Generate Expressions or any similar topic only for you Order Now In a library there are currently B bookshelves, each with 40 books. C new bookshelves are added, then 5 books are added to every bookshelf in the library. How many books have been added to the library? 45C + 5B 4. A boat drifts down a 200-mile river at a rate of 6 miles per hour for the first h hours. In terms of h, where h 30, how many miles remain to be traveled? 200-6h 5. If Sarah earns d dollars per hour for babysitting, and t dollars per hour of travel time, which of the following represents her earnings after babysitting for 4 hours and traveling one hour to the family’s house? 4d+t 6. The cost of a pair of shoes is S dollars. If the shoes go on sale for P percent off of their original price, and Joey buys them with a coupon for an additional C percent off of the sale price, then what price does Joey pay? | | | | 7. If Peter can mow the front lawn in 15 minutes less than twice the time it takes Amanda to mow the lawn, and Amanda can mow the lawn in h hours, which of the following expressions represents the time in hours it takes Peter to mow the lawn? 8h – 1| | 4| 8. Joe can ride his bike M miles in 1 hour. If he lives 3 miles from school and it takes him N minutes to get there, which of the following represents M in terms of N? 80| | N| 9. If each support cable can support p pounds, and the total weight of an elevator is m pounds, which of the following represents the number of cables required to support the elevator? m/p 10. If Kat is four years more than twice as old as Andrew, and Kat is a years old, which of the following expressions represents the age of Andrew? 11. If Rick takes 10 seconds mo re than two-thirds the time it takes Ted to run the 400 meter dash, and Rick runs the 400 meter dash in s seconds, which of the following expressions represents the time it takes Ted to run the 400 meter dash? 2. The original price of for a meal is p dollars. During lunch, however, the restaurant offers a discount of x percent. Janet also uses a coupon that offers y dollars off the discounted price. Which of the following represents the price, in dollars, that Janet paid for the meal? 13. A flagpole twelve feet tall casts a shadow two feet long. If Jill is standing next to the flagpole and casts a shadow that is x inches long, how tall is Jill, in feet? 14. A repairman charges f for the first hour of work and d dollars for each additional hour. If he earns $445 working one job, and he is there for more than one hour, which of the following expressions represents the time he spent at the job? 15. If the average (arithmetic mean) of the 3 numbers above is 3y, what is x in terms of y? y 16. An apple orchard has n trees, and each tree typically produces a apples in a season. If the orchard plants m additional trees, in terms of a, n and m, what will be the expected total yield of apples? am + an 17. If the average (arithmetic mean) of w + 2 and 3w is y and the average of 3w – 4 and w is x, what is the average of x and y? 2w – ? 8. A laptop battery, when fully charged, can power a computer for h hours. The battery takes j minutes to fully charge. If the battery charged for k minutes, and k ; j, which of the following represents the amount of time, in hours, the battery can power the computer? 19. Susan is paid m dollars per hour for the f hours she works at the local record store. If she works more than f hours a w eek, Susan is paid an additional k dollars per hour for each additional hour. If Susan works a total of h hours in a week, and h ; f, in terms of m, f, k and h, what is Susan paid for the week? m + hk – kf 20. Derek and Pete are all paid hourly for their work at the local coffee shop. Derek is paid 10 dollars per hour, which is a dollars per hour more than Pete. Derek also works 37 hours each week, which is b hours less than Pete. If Pete earns c dollars in a week, what is a in terms of b and c? 21. The average (arithmetic mean) of three numbers is 2x. If one of the numbers is y + 3, what is the average of the remaining two numbers in terms of x and y? 22. An auditorium originally has 30 chairs per row and a total of 25 rows. The auditorium undergoes renovations so that each of the rows is extended by c chairs, and an additional r rows are added. In terms of r and c, how many additional chairs have been added? (30 + c)(25 + r) – 750 23. If Lisa’s phone company charges ten cents per minute for phone calls and fifteen cents for each text message, which of the following represents the total bill (in dollars) due to the phone company if Lisa talked for m minutes and sent t texts? 0. 10m + 0. 15t 24. A taxi service charges a base fare of d dollars, and then an additional b dollars per quarter-mile. If the total fare was $11. 5, which of the following represents the total distance traveled? 25. Each box of cupcakes costs f dollars to produce and contains c cupcakes. Each cupcake is sold for d dollars. What is the profit from selling a box of cupcakes? Cd-f 26. A new hybrid car can travel t miles per gallon, and the gas tank can hold g gallons of gas. If gas costs $2 per gallon, which of the follow ing represents the cost, in dollars, required to travel one mile? 2/t 27. If Tom is seven years less than twice as old as Rick, and Rick is n years old, which of the following expressions represents the age of Tom? n – 7 28. Which of the following represents the total cost, in dollars, if Sally bought 8 apples which cost n dollars each and 6 oranges which each cost half as much as an apple? 11n 29. The original price of a CD was d dollars, but it was discounted x percent during a seasonal sale. If the sales tax of y percent was applied to the sale price, which of the following represents the price, in dollars, of the CD? | 30. Jen, Liz and Radha decided to take a road trip across the country. Jen drove a total of j miles. Liz drove 100 miles less than twice as many miles as Jen drove, and Radha drove half as many miles as Liz. In terms of j, what was the average miles each person drove? 31. Which of the following represents the total cost, in dollars, of y yards of yarn at 2 dollars per foot, and b buttons at 40 cents per button? (1 yard = 3 feet) 6y + 0. 4b 32. Which of the following represents the total cost in dollars for x hot dog buns and y hot dogs if buns cost $7 per dozen and hot dogs cost fifty cents each? 33. Which of the following represents the area of the figure shown above? (a – c – b) + 1/2(c + b)2 34. The average (arithmetic mean) of three numbers is x. If one of the numbers is 2y – 1, what is the average of the remaining two numbers in terms of x and y? S and T are consecutive even integers with T S. S is what percent of T? | | 35. A car rental company charges r dollars for the first hour and then it charges any additional hours at a rate of s dollars per hour. I f the total cost for a rental is t dollars and the rental lasts longer than one hour, which of the following expressions represents the length of the rental in hours? t – r + s| s| 36. There are x coins in a jar. If one coin is to be selected at random, the probability that a penny will be selected randomly is 2/5 and the probability that a nickel will be selected randomly is 1/4. In terms of x, how many coins are neither pennies nor nickels? 37. A swimming pool can hold y gallons at maximum capacity. If a hose can fill the pool at a rate of x gallons per second, which of the following expressions represents the time, in minutes, to fill an empty swimming pool to 90% capacity? 38. Lisa, Sally and Jessica all sold lemonade outside of their houses. Lisa sold k cups of lemonade. Sally sold five cups less than twice as many cups of lemonade as Lisa, and Jessica sold nine cups more than three times the number of cups that Sally sold. In terms of k, how many cups of lemonade did Jessica sell? 6k – 6 39. The average of 2 numbers is A. When a third number is included, the average becomes B. What is the third number in terms of A and B? 3B – 2A 40. In a six-hour flight from New York to Los Angeles, an airplane averages 200 miles per hour during the first t hours until it reaches cruising altitude. Once at the cruising altitude, the airplane travels at 545 miles per hour for the remainder of the trip. If terms of t, where t 6, how far is the flight? 545 ? 6 – 345t 41. If the steps above are followed in order, which of the following is a simplified expression for the result? -7y + 11x 42. Jacob wants to buy new school supplies. If pens cost 75 cents each and notebooks cost 2 dollars each, which of the following represents the cost, in dollars, of p pens and n notebooks? 43. The force exerted on an object is defined as the product of the mass of the object and its acceleration. The force exerted on a ball is initially f. If the mass of the ball remains the same but the acceleration decreases by a factor of three, what is the resulting force on the ball? 44. The original price of a pair of pants was p dollars but they were discounted x percent during a seasonal sale. If the sales tax of y percent was applied to the discounted price, which of the following represents the price, in dollars, of the pants? 45. A hotdog stand buys hot dogs by the carton. Each carton has p packages of hot dogs, and each package contains h hot dogs. If each carton of hot dogs costs c dollars, what is the cost per hot dog? c/ph 46. How to cite Generate Expressions, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

African Instruments free essay sample

The history of African musical instruments is rich and diverse as the people that populate the African continent. Because music Is so deeply rooted in African culture, knowing about African instruments helps you understand the continent as well as the people. Apart from Africans themselves, this knowledge Is usually restricted to ethnomusicology and historians. The roots of African-American Instruments are burled deep within the music of the African continent. The history and evolution of African-Americans instruments are as rich and complex as the history of AfricanAmericans themselves. The essence of African-American Instruments Lies In Its expression of the human experience. Although the different styles vary widely In their tone, topic and the tools used to produce them, African-American Instruments have the ability to cross all color and culture lines. Styles such as the blues, country, jazz, gospel and hip hop have spread their Influence all over the world. Drums, banjo, and shakers have been a important key to making beautiful, inspiring music. We will write a custom essay sample on African Instruments or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drumming was an important part of many African musical and religious radiation.The drum heads at either end of the drums wooden body are made from hide, fish-skin or other membranes which are wrapped around a wooden hoop. Leather cords or thongs run the length of the drums body and are wrapped around both hoops; when you squeeze these cords under your arm, the drum heads tighten, changing the instruments pitch. Drums served as an early form of long distance communication, and were used during ceremonial and religious functions. Ceremonial functions could include dance, rituals, story-telling and communication of points of order.The traditional drumming found in Africa is actually of three different types. Firstly, a rhythm can represent an idea (or signal). Secondly it can repeat the profile of a spoken utterance or thirdly it can simply be subject to musical laws. Drum Communication were based on actual natural languages. The sounds produced are conventionalism or idiomatic signals based on speech patterns. The messages are normally very stereotyped and context-dependent. By playing the drums the slaves would send warnings such as, the king is approaching or the enemy is attacking.After the work day was over, slaves would get together and sing out affirmations, pledges and prayers that they eventually lengthened out with repetitive choruses. At first, they accompany their vocals with handmade drums, but slave owners soon grew worrisome that this may be some sort of signal being made from one set of slaves to another that would ultimately lead to a revolt so the use of drums was abolished. African Instruments By Serenading populate the African continent. Because music is so deeply rooted in African culture, the people.Apart from Africans themselves, this knowledge is usually restricted to ethnomusicology and historians. The roots of African-American instruments are buried deep within the music of the African continent. The history and evolution of Americans themselves. The essence of African-American instruments lies in its expression of the human experience. Although the different styles vary widely in their tone, topic and the tools used to produce them, African-American instruments jazz, gospel and hip hop have spread their influence all over the world.