Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Revenge In Two Literary Works - 1593 Words

Revenge as a theme is cleverly built upon throughout Hamlet; with it being the driving force behind three of the key characters in the play. Revenge is a frighteningly vicious emotion, which causes people to act blindly and without reason. In Poe’s, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, Montresor enacts revenge for reasons unknown. Hamlet in contrast, has all the motive in the world to complete his task; yet he constantly hesitates. The text reveals that the need for revenge creates a stranglehold on the genuine emotions, thoughts, and actions of three characters: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Laertes; son of Polonius, and Fortinbras; Prince of Norway. This hold makes the characters act beyond their standard ethical positions and makes them helpless to†¦show more content†¦He is obstructed from his genuine rational moral view and if he were morally coherent, he would have seen that taking such drastic action removes himself from his genuine thoughts. In â€Å"The Caskà ¢â‚¬ , the perspective we are given on the story is limited; which allows for an open interpretation of what his true motives for revenge are. As Baraban states â€Å"Montresor elaborates a sophisticated philosophy of revenge: I must not only punish, but punish with impunity† (48) presenting the reader with a vibrant view of what he intends to do. The question one begs is, for what reason? Most readers would finish this story and assert that mentally, Montresor is insane. As Baraban states, â€Å"Poes intriguing silence about the nature of the insult that made Montresor murder Fortunato has given rise to explanations of Montresors deed through insanity. Richard M. Fletcher, for example, maintains that Montresors actions are irrational and that therefore he is mad.† (50) Montresor states at the opening of the story, â€Å"you,who so well know the nature of my soul†( are words likely said on his death bed to his confessor; being that he committed this deed fifty years prior, it would make sense that he is finally coming clean. Moreover, since he is commenting on the nature of his soul, it is plausible to assume that Montresor has been deemed crazyShow MoreRelatedRevenge Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare892 Words   |  4 PagesThe theme of Revenge has been utilized in numerous works of art throughout history, including books, plays, movies, etc. Revenge is the result of one’s desire for vengeance, however, revenge is known to be implied under high emotions of anger thus not with reason concluding with a horrible outcome. 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